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作者: JC, 更新日期: 2012-11-30
美国雇佣一个员工的总共实际费用,大概是员工的小时工资,再加上小时工资的56.55%。也就是说是雇员薪水的156.55%. 比如说,如果你给员工的小时工资是10美金的话,那么你的整体费用就是$15.66($10.00 + 56.55% ($5.66 = $15.66). 换句话说,如果一个员工一个星期挣$400的话,老板实际的费用支出是$626.20.


1) Mandatory costs required by law (法律规定必须支付的费用)

Federal Social Security Tax & Medicare (美国联邦社安医疗保险金) - 7.65%
Federal Unemployment Tax (美国联邦失业税) - 0.80%
State Unemployment Tax (州政府失业税) - 2.9%
Worker's Compensation (员工福利) - 4.3%

Total Mandatory Cost (法规必须支付费用总计) - 15.65%

2) Hiring Costs (招聘费用)

Recruiting, hiring, training, bookkeeping, payroll (招聘广告,面试,培训,簿记和工资系统建档等) - 6.90%
Severance Pay (解聘员工费用) - 0.10%

Total Hiring Cost (招聘费用总计) - 7.00%

3) Discretionary Costs (各项杂费,根据各个business不同有所不同,但大部分情况下是必须支出的费用)

Paid Time Off (带薪休假) - 4.90%
Holidays (法定节日) - 3.40%
Sick Pay (病假) - 1.30%
Pension Plan (养老金) - 5.40%
Health & Life Insurance (医疗和人寿保险) - 11.09%
Bonuses & Incentives (奖金) - 0.40%
Profit Sharing (公司分红) - 1.20%
Contribute to Thrift Plan (勤俭计划,一般为美国政府部门工作的员工) - 0.60%
Non-Working Time (非工作时间) - 3.50%
Miscellaneous Benefits (其他福利杂项) - 1.30%

Total Discretionary Costs (各项杂费总计) - 33.09%

Total Additional Costs (以上总计费用支出) - 56.55%

On average, the costs (basic salary, employment taxes and benefits) are typically in the 1.25 to 1.4 times the employees base salary range. For example, the cost for a $50,000/year employee might be $62,500 to $70,000.

来源: 剑知实用网
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