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Baby Carrier 外出时用的婴儿背带的最新打折信息

作者: HL, 更新日期: 2018-05-03
Comfy Baby Front and Back Safety Baby Carrier is now on sale at for $34.99 (Reg.$79.99) plus Free Shipping.

Product Features
-Backpack feature makes it comfortable to carry stages from 8 months to 2 years old, The straps adjust easily to fit anyone.
-The buckles are top quality with better safety features than any Baby carrier
-Ventilated carrier body for maximum air circulation
-Advanced padded lumbar support with stabilizing foam And tidy straps help contain excess straps
-3 Pockets: (1) Large zippered pocket Baby food (2) Vented pocket (3) Small exterior pouch perfect for your phone, keys and wallet etc.
-Made from soft cotton and fully adjustable Incredibly comfortable for both mother and the baby. It also has two removable sleeping hoods (Blue & Purple) that give care for sleeping baby.

More discounted baby products, please see Baby Stuff Deals.

Comments (9)

1. HL 2013-08-14 18:16
Britax Baby Carrier Britax 家的婴儿背带。 原价130刀, 现在打折只要75刀 with free shipping. 腰部和肩部的背带都是加垫的, 可以很好分担重量。 open and contoured 的设计, 使背带透气性能更好。

2. HL 2014-05-20 10:57
Infantino Sash Mei Tai Carrier 介绍一个非常好的baby carrier, 非常简单 to put baby in, 重要的是非常轻, carrier本身没什么重量, 可以减轻妈妈的负担。 而且carry baby的姿势很随意, 可以放前面, 背在后面, 还可以斜跨在侧面。 carrier 本身是纯布的, 一点都不硬, 可以让宝宝们更舒服。 还有重要的一点是非常便宜, 只要20几刀一个。

3. HL 2014-07-14 12:15
Ergobaby Original Collection Baby Carrier, 这个婴儿背带的review 非常的好,是#1 Best Seller in Child Carrier。 对于背宝宝的家长来说那是非常的舒适。 腰部的支持很好 baby's weight is evenly distributed between the hips and shoulders。 里外的布料都是纯棉的,对宝宝来说也安全,可以用洗衣机洗。 原价120刀, 现在100刀with free shipping。

4. HL 2014-12-19 11:58
Infantino Hoodie Universal All Season Carrier Cover, Gray 一般天冷的时候, baby 呆在背带里不动, 而且手脚露在外面,时间长了会冷, 这时候加一个这种cover, 那就是 perfect 了。 Sweatshirt material 柔软舒适又保暖。 这个是amazon 上 #1 Best Sellerin Child Carrier Accessories。

5. HL 2014-12-25 11:30
Ergobaby Original Collection Baby Carrier, Night Sky Ergobaby 的 baby 背带也是极好使的。 Comfortable for Parents: Baby's weight is evenly distributed between the hips and shoulders。 Ergonomic for Baby: Baby is cradled in a natural sitting position。 3 Carry Positions: Front, Back and Hip。 Machine washable。

6. HL 2015-01-26 11:07
Amazon this highly rated BABYBJORN Baby Carrier Original in Black 打折降价后 for just $56.99 (regularly $99.95) with free shipping. Perfect for newborn & growing babies. Specially developed to give the proper support for baby’s head, neck, spine and hips, and child may be carried facing forward once he or she is a bit older and able to hold up his or head own head.

7. HL 2017-05-31 18:57 where they are offering up this very highly rated Ergobaby 360 Ergonomic Baby Carrier in Dusty Blue for only $114.17 shipped. Please note that in order to see this special sale price, you may need to add the carrier to your cart.

This carrier is designed to fit all types of parents from petite to larger body types; it is also adjustable to your growing baby from 7lbs (with an infant insert sold separately) to 33lbs. Choose to face your baby in or out and wear on the hip or back as your baby grows.
8. HL 2018-02-13 10:28
On you can now get this BabySteps Ergonomic Baby Carrier for only $29.99 shipped.

This carrier features a hip seat and has six positions that are comfortable and safe for your infant or toddler. It has an adjustable waistband up to 48.8-inches, and is great for nursing, hiking or wearing your baby hands-free just about anywhere.
9. HL 2018-05-03 09:29
On you can now get this highly rated Ergobaby OMNI 360 All-in-One Ergonomic Baby Carrier in Pure Blac for just $107.99 shipped (regularly $180) – lowest price!

This carrier keeps your baby ergonomically seated in all carrying positions (front-outward, front- inward, hip and back carry) and can be worn with the infant insert from 7-12 lbs, and until your baby is 33 lbs. The baby hood supports your baby’s head while sleeping, provides privacy while nursing and protects your baby from the sun!
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