有人问, 家里的木地板应该如何做卫生? 用湿抹布擦是否可以, 还是用干抹布沾专业清洁剂擦? 以下就是一些简单可行的办法.
1. 用白醋和水, 1比3的比率最好. 也就是一分白醋, 三分水. 效果好还健康卫生. 我是每隔一两个月做一次,基本上代替打蜡处理了。
2. 用
Swifer Sweeper
Swifer Sweeper 是在专用的拖把上贴上专用的纸巾, 纸巾有干,湿两种, 对于灰尘,头发,以及一些小的脏东西用干纸巾效果非常好, 对于污渍,有些黏的地方就要用湿纸巾为佳了。 这个可以上
Amazon上买. 也可以到Target等local店里买。
Swiffer Sweeper 2 in 1 Mop and Broom Floor Cleaner Starter Kit 原价 $8.99, amazon 上经常会有 $1 或 $2 off 的coupon。
Dry Sweeping Cloths, 大包装促销时很合算的.
3. 用
Shark Steam Mop
这是我最近添置的清洁工具,以此替代了Wet jet. 好处是只需要时候自来水,shark 会喷出蒸汽来,清洁效果不错。缺点是,没有一次性使用的清洁布,因此必须将配的清洁布洗干净,有点麻烦,还有就是使用是要牵着电线。不是太脏的地板, 每周清洁一两次就行. 另外, 最好用蒸馏水, 可以延长产品使用寿命, Fred Meyer或者QFC买4升装不算贵.
4. 用
Minwax High Gloss Reviver Hardwood Floor Restorer 和
Minwax Hardwood Floor Cleaner
液体的, 打蜡很容易, 往地板上倒一点, 用Swifer Sweeper抹匀就行了. 如果有地方很脏的话, 可以先喷上Cleaner擦干净.
Comments (19)
Swiffer SweeperVac Rechargeable Cordless Vacuum Starter Kit
Swiffer WetJet Spray, Mop Floor Cleaner Starter Kit
Orange Glo Wood Cleaner & Polish - 32 fl oz
Evolution Robotics Mint Automatic Hard Floor Cleaner
This clean-up set includes a broom, brush and dustpan perfectly sized for little hands.
This package includes one spray mop, one refillable bottle, two microfiber pads, one multifunction scraper and one brush!
This highly-rated Shark Professional Steam Pocket Mop is just $59.99 shipped (regularly $99.99)!
This steam mop is ready in just 30 seconds and offers three different steam options. It includes two pads and the steam head attachment. Plus, the mop head swivels so you can easily move around furniture!
This steam mop cleans floors and cuts through grease, grime, and bacteria on hard floors using JUST water. Plus, the removable water tank heats up and is ready to use within 30 seconds. Since it’s lightweight and has an 18″ power cord, it’ll be easy to maneuver around the house.