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在美国申请Home Loan的技巧及手续

作者: JC, 更新日期: 2012-09-01
以下是在美国申请房贷home loan的手续和技巧. 根据笔者原先在网上看到的相关信息整理出来的. 个人感觉比较适合那些不认识或者不知道那里能够找到好的loan officer的朋友.

If you are in the process of getting a home loan, here is a procedure that you might want to follow.

1) Get a local yellow page for Chinese

2) Pick 4 or 5 loan agents

3) Email or call them to get a good faith estimate (GFE) (you need tell them the value of your house, how much is the loan, whether it is a 30-year or 15-year loan, estimate of your credit score). Ask questions such as what documents are needed for locking the rate, can you relock it, is there penalty for paying off the loan early, etc.

4) Compare the rate and fees

5) Pick a couple of loan agents that you feel comfortable with. Stop by their office to talk with the agent. Usually they can give your a little bit better rate if you meet him/her in person.

For example, I stopped by two offices. The second one provided me with 3.5% no point for 30 years fixed. I locked the rate and submitted my application that night, since I brought with me all needed documents (two-month bank statements, passport, etc)

Good luck finding your best loan officer!
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