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作者: HL, 更新日期: 2023-07-02
虽然说女人天生丽质,不用化妆最好。 不过并不是每个人都是这样的, 尤其在美国, 每天上班的女士,化一点淡妆,发型利落干净, 穿着整齐, 其实是对同事和老板的一种礼貌。 尤其是上了一点岁数,适当的打扮一下,遮掩一些皱纹也是一种提高自信的方式。

这篇我主要介绍一下在家里化妆时用的化妆镜什么好. 化妆镜有很多, 英文名字也不同, 像Vanity Mirror, Cosmetic Mirror, Makeup Mirror 其实指的都是化妆镜, 化妆镜有桌式的, 就是放在桌子上用的, 也有钉在墙上有伸缩杆可以拉来拉去的。 还有就是可以直接吸在瓷砖墙上的。 化妆镜一般的都是两面的, 一面是正常的,另一面是有放大效果的,化妆时做细节处理用的。 另外化妆镜有带灯光和不带灯光两种。

Jerdon JP910NB 6-Inch Tabletop Two-Sided Swivel Vanity Mirror with 10x Magnification, 11-Inch Height, Nickel Finish, 最普通的双面镜,放大镜可以放大10x, 做工不错很好看, 不带灯光。 6 inch 不是很大的镜子。 原价$25, 打折时10几刀。

Conair BE151T Double-Sided Illuminated Oval Mirror, 这个是conair 的带灯光的双面化妆镜。椭圆形长 9.5 inch, 宽 7 inch. 放大镜7倍放大。 灯光比较柔和不是很亮的那种,金属镜架打磨的很好。 原价50刀, 打折时25-30几刀。

Ott-lite Natural Daylight Makeup Mirror 这个是长方形的双面化妆镜, 日光的灯光,比较亮, 可以很好的纠正化妆效果。 原价70刀, 打折时40几刀。

Jerdon 8-Inch Two-Sided Swivel Wall Mount Mirror with 5x Magnification, 13.5-Inch Extension. 这个是装在墙上就像饭店里用的那种化妆镜。 可以拉伸。 原价40刀, 打折时20几刀。

Jerdon 8-Inch Two-Sided Swivel Halo Lighted Wall Mount Mirror with 5x Magnification, 14-Inch Extension, 和上面的化妆镜一样, 就是这个带灯光, 更适合各种角度的化妆。

顺便再介绍一个随身带的可以放在化妆包里的化妆镜, 比较适合travel或者平时随身带着补妆用。 Floxite Fl-cp10 10x Compact 2-optical Dfp Quality Glass Mirrors, 原价20大, 打折时只要7刀多点。

Comments (6)

1. HL 2015-02-10 12:29
DecoBros 6-inch Tabletop Two-sided Swivel Vanity Mirror with 10x Magnification, 11-inch Height, Chrome Finish 这个两面的台式镜子也很不错, 打折后14刀一个。Comes with a life time limited warranty。

2. HL 2015-09-04 21:23
Crown Mark Cheval Mirror, Brown 这个是卧室里的穿衣镜。 如果你不喜欢在墙上或者门后挂穿衣镜的话, 那么可以考虑这种立式的穿衣镜。 木框,很容易安装, 而且 Mirror tilts for various angles。 打折时40几刀一个 with free shipping。

3. HL 2016-12-01 10:33
Amazon 现在 this Two-sided Vanity Mirror with 5x Magnification 半价打折, for only $12.99 (regularly $24.99) – no code needed.

4. HL 2018-03-19 20:59 you can now get this Mainstays 48″ x 12″ Beveled Door Mirror for just $9.97 (regularly $19.96)! Choose free in-store pick up.

It has a beveled edge and includes the hanging hardware.
5. HL 2018-05-30 10:09
Today, May 30th only, on Amazon you can now buy this Conair Double-Sided Vanity Mirror in Satin Nickel or Polished Chrome for just $19.99 (regularly $29.99 – $34.99).

This mirror offers both the standard 1x magnification and 7x magnification on the opposite side. It rotates a full 360° and features incandescent lighting and a flexible face that adjusts to any angle for easy viewing.
6. HL 2023-07-02 11:59
On where you can now get this Goody Two-Sided Makeup Mirror with Stand for just $3 (regularly $4.94+).

Easily apply your makeup on the go with this Goody mirror! It features 1x and 3x magnification and has a stand so you can set it down. Plus, the stand folds up so you can put it in your purse, carry-on bag, or keep it on your desk at work!

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