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作者: JC, 更新日期: 2019-08-13
在日常生活中坚持锻炼,不仅有利于身体健康,还能帮助我们维持良好的精神状态。尤其美国是一个几乎人人爱健身的国度,健身房比比皆是,可是每月的会费也是一笔不小的开支。虽然可以在室外做一些跑步或者hiking等活动, 但是又会受天气和时间的限制。 所以淘几款物美价廉的健身器材放在家里,不需要去gym就能锻炼身体,省时又方便。


阻力带(resistence band)

阻力带的好处是,相比哑铃来说,不会伤到小孩儿。另外,阻力带可以多个叠加使用,比哑铃可以锻炼的方法多,灵活。(但脚踩阻力带锻炼要注意安全,因为有可能踩不住,会反弹打到脸上)。这款助力带是朋友推荐的,很好用: Bodylastics Max Tension XT Resistance Bands,注意选$46.95的那款。

椭圆机(Elliptical Machine)

椭圆机是很多人都很喜欢的健身器材。这种机器可以摆在客厅里,一边踩一边看电视,时间很快就打发了。它的运动量不小, 但是有一大好处是对膝盖没有压力,不像在跑步机上锻炼,会磨损膝关节。热身的话椭圆机不错。

1. Body Rider BRD2000 Elliptical Trainer with Seat 这一款绝对物有所值的,是 elliptical trainer 和 exercise bike 二合一的, 只要不到150美元。孕妇也可以使用,来进行适当锻炼。

2. Body Champ BRM2720 Magnetic Cardio Dual Trainer 这款价位稍贵,要200多刀,也是 elliptical trainer 和 exercise bike二合一,座位可调。

3. Exerpeutic Magnetic Elliptical with Pulse 这款是单独的Elliptical machine,但是功能很全, 8 level 可以增强难度,还可以通过电脑计算脉搏、心跳等,让你更科学地锻炼。脚步踏板设计很合理,比较宽大,防止锻炼时打滑。

4. Stamina In-Motion Elliptical Trainer 这个是foot pedal only 的椭圆机, 好处是体积小非常方便, 可以站着也可以坐着用,还可以放在任何地方锻炼,价格也要便宜很多。

室内自行车(exercise bike)

1. Sunny Health & Fitness Pro Indoor Cycling Bike 座椅的高度、前后位置和扶手的高度都是可以调节的,可以满足一家人的锻炼需要。

2. Marcy ME-708 Upright Exercise Bike 这款 bike 比较小巧,只要100刀左右,每次锻炼40分钟,效果很好。

3. Weslo Pursuit R 2.2 比较小巧的还有这一款,价位也不高。

4. Body Rider Fan Bike 椭圆车身设计,可以通过把手轻松调节拉力,使用很方便, 120几刀。


Marcy Foldable Excercise Bike 这款bike review不错。 小巧样式简单干净, 贵在价格也便宜。 只要116刀with free shipping。

Exerpeutic Folding Magnetic Upright Bike with Pulse 这款的review 那是没得说了, 极好滴。 好处是座位大,比较舒适,可以长时间锻炼。功能也多, 价格稍贵要170刀左右。


除了椭圆机之外,游泳对膝盖也有好处。单车不离座位的骑也不会伤膝盖。还有就是,关节不好的话,可以补补氨糖,这个美国柯兰(Kirkland的牌子)的含量高,比如这个 Kirkland Signature Extra Strength Glucosamine,氨基葡萄糖硫酸软骨素。加软骨素的,缓解关节摩擦。有网友腰椎有损伤的,吃上就好了。一天两粒,饭后就吃,减少对胃肠的刺激。

Comments (18)

1. HL 2015-01-01 13:32
Sunny Health & Fitness Twister Stepper 这个脚踏机的好处在于带 exercise bands 还可以 work out arms, chest, back, and shoulders 的肌肉, 可以起到整体的锻炼效果。 原价100刀, 现在打折后48刀 with free shipping。 而且这个 portable elliptical machine 的 review 好极了。

2. HL 2015-10-08 11:44
男士们有没有在家里自己练习举重健身的, 可以看看这套举重器材。 this Gold’s Gym Vinyl Weight Set, 100 lbs 在 walmart 的网站上降价后 for just $31.48 (reg. $89.99). Plus, choose free in store pick up if available near you; otherwise, shipping is $4.97 or free on orders of $50.

3. HL 2016-01-31 15:36
Sunny Health & Fitness Indoor Cycle Trainer 室内锻炼用的自行车, 现在打折只要119刀 with free shipping (原价要250刀)。 而且这个锻炼脚踏车的review非常的好。Heavy duty crank and steel frame.

4. HL 2016-04-11 10:21
Tone Fitness Neoprene Dumbbell Set with Rack, 这套哑铃现在降价只要$29.99 一套, 非常适合女生们在任何地方,进行简单的上身力量锻炼。

5. HL 2016-07-25 15:11
Amazon FitDesk Under Desk Elliptical 打折后 Only $99.99 shipped (reg. $179.99)。 这个是可以放在桌子底下, 边工作,边锻炼腿脚的。有 8 position magnetic resistance and balanced high velocity。 very quiet。 review 极佳。

6. HL 2016-09-26 21:13
想在家里就可以跑步,快走健身吗? Amazon 现在 this highly rated Sunny Health & Fitness Treadmill 降价后 for just $189.90 shipped (regularly $399)!

This treadmill feature handrail controls for quick adjustments, a convenient built-in phone & tablet holder, easy folding for optimum storage, an LCD screen to keep track of time, speed, calories plus more!
7. HL 2017-03-07 09:31 现在这种家用跑步机 Sunny Health and Fitness Treadmill 降价后 for only $278.98 shipped (regularly $599.99). 这种跑步机, 不用时可以折起, 便于存放。

This treadmill includes 9 built-in workout programs and 3 incline levels and has a large LCD computer display for time, speed and calories. It also has an easy folding mechanism and soft drop system to help you unfold your treadmill safely.
8. HL 2017-04-27 20:51 has Exerpeutic Workfit 1000 Desk Station Folding Exercise Bike on sale for $151.80 - $7.74 pickup discount (automatically applied), final price will be only $144.06. Select free store pickup.

9. HL 2017-04-29 20:22
Amazon now this FitDesk 2.0 Desk Exercise Bike with Massage Bar on sale for $174.99 shipped (regularly $299.99) after you clip the $25 off coupon.

This FitDesk offers comfort for all day riding with a beach cruiser style seat, adjustable back rest, and forearm massage rollers that provide relief from daily typing strain.
10. HL 2017-05-02 17:16 now you can buy this ProGear 100S Exercise Bike with Heart Pulse Monitor for only $93.08 shipped. Select in-store pickup and save an additional $4.75 – making this exercise bike only $88.33.

11. HL 2017-09-28 10:48
Today, September 28th only, now you can get this highly rated Black Mountain Products Resistance Band Set for only $19.49 shipped.

This set includes resistance bands, a door anchor, ankle strap, exercise chart, professional grade exercise balance ball and more. Each band features a different resistance level ranging from 2-30 pounds, and the balance ball is rated up to a whopping 2,000 pounds.
12. HL 2017-11-25 10:19
Today only, November 25th, Amazon where they are offering up to 30% off select Bowflex Home Gym Products including dumbbells, treadmills, and home gyms!

Bowflex PR1000 Home Gym, Only $299.99 shipped (regularly $479)

Bowflex SelectTech 1090 Adjustable Dumbbell, Only $179 shipped (regularly $399)

13. HL 2018-01-15 21:08
On you can now buy this Bowflex SelectTech 3.1 Adjustable Bench for only $98.99 shipped (regularly $199)! Plus, it has awesome reviews!

This ultimate home gym adjusts to one of four positions for over 30 different exercises. It comes with a whopping 15-year warranty!
14. HL 2018-01-24 17:39
Today, January 24th only, on where you can save up to 50% off select Sunny Health & Fitness Products.

This Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Rowing Machine Rower w/ LCD Monitor is priced at only $169.99 shipped (regularly $399.99)!

This rower features a magnetic tension system with eight levels of adjustable resistance and the large LCD console displays time, count, calories and more. It also has a full padded seat with non-slip handlebars for comfort and has a weight limit up to 250 pounds.
15. HL 2018-02-05 12:12
On now they are offering up deep discounts on highly-rated CAP Barbell Rubber-Coated Dumbbell Sets! Prices start at just $8.90 and increase based on weight.

16. HL 2019-03-04 12:13
Today, March 4th only, on you can now get this Cubii Pro Under Desk Elliptical for just $249 shipped (regularly $349) – lowest price!

These Cubii home elliptical machines are ideal for exercising at home, or office, without stressing your joints! The Cubii Pro syncs steps, distance, and calories burnt with iPhone and Android cellphones, Fitbit smart bands, and Apple Health Kit, so you can set and track your goals! This under desk elliptical can be used on the couch, at your desk, even at the dining table.
17. HL 2019-05-31 10:12
On you can now buy this PowerBlock SportBench for only $157.99 shipped (regularly $197-$199)!

This sturdy, adjustable bench has a 550-pound weight capacity and a 5-position backrest that varies from flat to military position with 30, 45, and 60-degree adjustments in between. It also has wheels and a handle so you can move it easily and vinyl padding for easy cleaning.
18. HL 2019-08-13 12:41
Today, August 13th only, on Amazon where you can now get this highly rated Teeter FitSpine X-Series Inversion Table for just $239.99 shipped (regularly $349.99) – best price!

The Teeter inversion table is indicated for back pain, muscle tension and spasm, herniated disc, sciatica and more. It has a floating suspension design to allow better decompression and simple arm movements shift your body weight so you can easily be inverted or sit back up. There are handholds to help you stretch and ankle cups for a comfortable fit. Plus, it includes a DVD to teach you stretches to help strengthen your back.
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