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作者: JC, 更新日期: 2014-02-21
本文根据这篇文章 12 New Companies That Will Make Going To College Unnecessary 以及其他的一些资料整理。学习计算机,其实最重要的是要自己有动力,当然,找到好的课程学习,可以事半功倍了。希望下面这些站点对想学编程的朋友以及想转行计算机的朋友有所帮助。 是一个商业的网站,上面课程质量参差不齐,不过都是些实用课程,比如java,python,手机软件开发什么的。现在有免费的java入门课程,可以学习。Java for Complete Beginners。另外,有的同学曾经学过上面的免费的Python课程,觉得不错。 的特点是,课程并非专业的教师,更像是公司里的技术人员介绍经验,内容和演示都比较随意。但可以了解很多实际编程中的小技巧,比如一些快捷键、一些简写习惯等。
大部分免费,有的课程是需要教科书的。 A collaboration between MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, and other partner schools that let you take courses normally offered on-campus online. Students may choose to simply audit classes or they can complete assignments for a grade in order to receive a Certificate of Mastery. Subjects offered include law, history, science, engineering, business, social sciences, computer science, public health, and artificial intelligence.

Like edX, Coursera lets users take college courses from a wide range of schools around the United States. Topics of classes include humanities, medicine, biology, social sciences, mathematics, business, computer science, and more.

Like edX and Coursera, Udacity lets you take a variety of classes online for free in subjects that currently include computer science, cryptography, and physics. Udacity plans to let users get college credit for completing their courses. Interestingly, some courses are taught by famous instructors like Steve Huffman, one of the creators of Reddit.

Khan Academy
A not-for-profit aimed at providing "a free world-class education for anyone anywhere." Subjects include physics, biology, chemistry, math, computer science, economics, history, and more. Classes are taught via instructional videos and interactive assessment tools.

Comments (3)

1. JC 2014-05-28 22:48
有网友问,这些online courses的教材和学校里一样吗?这个据我所知的是,应该和学校的没啥区别。但online自学可能最后得不到证书。


有很多美国人(特别是做business的美国人)认为,未来上大学的这种模式会被online education的新潮流颠覆。特别是将来高昂的学费,比如说一年7万美金的学杂费,可能促使一些比较前卫的年轻人放弃上传统的大学,而是选择网上online自学。
2. JC 2014-06-06 22:07 是一个商业的网站,上面课程质量参差不齐,不过都是些实用课程,比如java,python,手机软件开发什么的。现在有免费的java入门课程,可以学习。Java for Complete Beginners
3. JC 2015-08-22 11:06
美国现在有不少coding bootcamp, 一般是面向没有编程经验的人,10~12周全日制学习,1万~1.5万美金学费。学完后能够达到找entry level developer的工作。那么想学习计算机的人,怎么挑选合适的bootcamp呢?要看下面一些情况:

1. 要看alumni statistics, 主要就是job placement rate。因为学习是为了找工作的,如果这个bootcamp培训过的很多学员都找到了工作,这才是好的bootcamp。

2. 根据你的兴趣来挑选。有的bootcamp擅长教ios, andriod app development, 有的bootcamp擅长教full stack web development, 比如node.js, ruby on rails等。
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