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多久需要清理一下Heating System?

作者: JC, 更新日期: 2012-11-16
有网友问,多久需要清理heating system的dust. 关于这个问题,我请教了一下John, 是一个handyman. 以下是他的回答.

If someone has bad allergies, cleaning the system before you start every winter is a good idea. Although cleaning them never gets them 100% clean, it can help a bit. Dirt, dust and grime build up during the spring and summer from non use and it is helpful to do it once a year if you can.

It is really a personal choice but doing it every 2-3 years is good for sure.

Answer provided by John
Phone: 206-679-5744,

Comments (1)

1. JC 2012-11-16 00:05
A friend of mine mentioned they do 1 or 2 times a year. Last year changing the ignitor costed them $300+.
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