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作者: HL, 更新日期: 2023-07-11
以下是一些优秀的美国少儿读物精选.都是非常有意思的书,小孩子都很喜欢,多读书有助提高孩子的阅读能力。 先说说适于1到2岁多的小孩的书.

这本书是经典故事. 故事其实很简单, 但是有很多对应的小游戏, 比如, 天黑了, 把灯都关了, 带着宝宝一起打手电模仿小熊到处找丢失的按钮. 还有就是一起去坐扶手梯, 体会小熊坐扶手梯的心情等等. 结尾那个部分关于友谊的画面, 特别的温馨.

The Runaway Bunny
一只淘气的小兔子, 永远也逃离不了妈妈的怀抱.

GoodNight Moon
一本适合小孩睡觉前看的书, 画面简单, 词语富有韵律感, 读起来非常美, 非常催眠.

Sandra Boynton 的系列书都不错, 包括:
1) Barnyard Dance!: 这本书特别生动活泼, 文字基本上就是一首叮叮当当的歌谣, 还可以和宝宝一起跳着读, 可以跳舞, 可以学小动物叫.
2) Oh My Oh My Oh Dinosaurs!: 可爱的小恐龙, 也是一本叮叮当当的歌谣书, 好多形容词成队的出现.
3) Pajama Time: Sandra的书基本上都是快乐的歌谣, 连上床睡觉都写得生动无比. 小兔子睡觉前都要叫The moon is up, it's pajama time!

Zin! Zin! Zin! A Violin
艺术启蒙的育儿书很多, 还是这样读起来朗朗上口, 画面生动活泼的好玩儿. 从长号讲到竖琴, 一点儿也不枯燥, 猫咪在画面上奔跑, 音乐家们在快乐的互动.

Richard Scarry的金色系列书, 特别推荐这个超值合集: Richard Scarry's Best Storybook Ever! (Giant Little Golden Book). 其中有88个故事, 每个都很经典. 如果你嫌买太多的书麻烦, 买这一本也就足够了, 里面有很多很多的乐趣.

Comments (26)

1. HL 2012-08-06 14:49
The Frog and Toad Collection Box Set (I Can Read Book 2) 一套共3本

Amelia Bedelia Collection (I Can Read Book 2)

Fancy Nancy

2. HL 2012-08-06 15:07

Magic Tree House 系列 非常好, 我家小孩6岁读的,很喜欢

Magic School Bus 系列 Magic School Bus 的系列书有深有浅,有level 1,level2 和 chapter book 系列, 是介绍科学与读书相结合,非常好看。

Fancy Nancy 系列 这个系列是女孩子的favorite读物, 也是有深有浅的。

Ivy & Bean's Secret Treasure Box (Books 1-3)

3. HL 2012-08-06 15:17
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 系列 这套书也是我家娃喜欢的,比较适合8岁左右的男孩子。

Nancy Drew Mystery Stories 系列 这套书讲的是一个小女孩侦探的,不过男孩女孩都喜欢。 适合8岁以上的。

Geronimo Stilton Book Series 这一套系列书适合 7-10岁小孩, 到目前为止一共出了54本;-), 非常吸引人的情节。

4. HL 2012-09-09 11:19
再推荐一套 Magic school bus 的DVD,8张dvd一共52个系列非常不错,即能学习很多Science的知识,有与娱乐相结合,很多小孩子都非常喜欢。 原价80刀,打折时只要30刀一套。Magic School Bus: The Complete Series

5. HL 2012-09-12 14:30
Harry Potter Paperback Box Set (Books 1-7) Box set Harry Potter 的书一直是很经典的了,适合9岁以上的小朋友,可以买一套,也可以每本单买。

6. HL 2012-09-12 14:40
The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings 适合9岁以上的阅读,我家老大的老师拿这本书作为课堂的阅读书,很不错。

7. HL 2012-09-12 14:46
The Youngest Templar Series 适合9岁以上的阅读,这个系列一套3本,都非常好看。

8. HL 2012-09-12 15:19
Stanford Wong Flunks Big-time by Lisa Yee 9岁以上,我家老大Love it。 有点像Diary of a Wimpy Kid。

9. HL 2012-09-12 15:21
Caddie Woodlawn 8岁以上的, adventure book, 像上面的那些书一样,都可以做为book report 的书来读。

10. HL 2012-09-12 15:27
The Hunger Games (Book 1) 这套也是系列书,第二本是 Catching Fire (The Hunger Games, Book 2), 第三本是 Mockingjay (The Hunger Games, Book 3), 我家老大可以上瘾了一阵子,DVD也很好看的。

11. HL 2012-09-12 16:32
TIME for Kids BIG Book of Why: 1,001 Facts Kids Want to Know (Time for Kids Magazine) 8岁以上,这本不是novel,有点像十万个为什么,属于Knowledge book.

12. HL 2013-02-07 10:38
First Science Encyclopedia, 适合5岁以上,可以作为小孩子对Science的入门书。

First Space Encyclopedia,适合6岁以上, 我家老大小时候很喜欢这种书的。

13. HL 2013-05-21 09:56
Dr. Seuss's Beginner Book Collection (Cat in the Hat, One Fish Two Fish, Green Eggs and Ham, Hop on Pop, Fox in Socks) Box set (Hardcover). Dr. Seuss 的书一项是经典的, 基本上是小孩子的必读书, 因为他的书都比较fancy,也很有趣,读起来押韵,很容易让小孩子记忆单词。 这套经典共5本, 适合5-9岁的小孩,原价45刀,现在打折26刀一套。 可以作为生日礼物的。

14. HL 2013-10-29 10:47
最近我家老大又迷上了Rick Riordan的小说系列,正好赶上他过生日就送了两套书给他。 Rick 的系列小说适合10岁以上的小孩阅读, 充满了神秘感和探险精神, 我都很爱看。
The Kane Chronicles Box Set

Heroes of Olympus , The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus, Book 4)

15. HL 2014-04-16 10:47
再来推荐几本 Puzzle 的书, 从小玩puzzle对小孩子的大脑发育很有好处的, 可以开发他们的图形识别部分。

一个是 Can You See What I See 系列的丛书,这套书都是图画Puzzle,画得很好,里面是以小朋友喜闻乐见的故事为主题的。让小朋友们从中找出定制的东西来,对于小小孩也可以增加词汇量,把单词和实物连接起来,我家老二4岁左右的时候基本上完成了全套书的puzzle ;-)。

另外还有一种是多合一式的,什么都有的大杂烩也不错,比如这种 The Everything Kids' Puzzle Book, 这种书有的很难,要大一点的孩子才可以搞定。

还有就是单独提出来推荐一下这本Mazescapes, 很有趣,细节画的很好,是模拟开车认路的。大人可以跟小朋友一起玩得津津乐道的。

16. HL 2015-04-12 21:05 现在 has Geographic Little Kids First Big Book (Various Titles) on sale. 这个是国家地理杂志的 kids 版本。非常好的科普教育类书籍。 Shipping is free with Prime or if you spend $35 or more.

National Geographic Kids First Big Book of Space $5.07

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Dinosaurs $5.10

National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Animals $5.43
17. HL 2016-11-14 09:31 现在这套 Pete the Cat’s Super Cool Paperback Reading Collection (My First I Can Read) 降价后 for only $9.92 (regularly $16.99)! 这套图书 review非常的好,适合4-8岁的小朋友阅读。

This beginning reader collection includes the following paperback books: Pete the Cat: Play Ball!, Pete the Cat: Pete’s Big Lunch, Pete the Cat: Pete at the Beach, Pete the Cat: A Pet for Pete, and Pete the Cat: Too Cool for School.
18. HL 2017-02-28 10:16
Amazon now you can get this Wonder Hardcover Book for only $7.83 (regularly $16.99)。 This New York Times #1 Best Seller has inspired kindness clubs around the world and has AWESOME reviews!

You can also buy The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Box Set for just $49.59 (regularly $100). Get every every comic strip from past 11 years in this three volume paperback collection.

19. HL 2017-07-05 11:05 now you can buy this National Geographic Animal Encyclopedia for your kids for just $9.40 (regularly $24.95).

Perfect for ages 8-12, learn about 2,500 different animals in this animal encyclopedia with facts and photos of each animal!
20. HL 2017-07-17 10:37 now this The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Paperback Box set for just $48.30 shipped (regularly $100) .This box set includes every comic strip released during the 11 year run of Calvin and Hobbes.

Calvin and Hobbes is unquestionably one of the most popular comic strips of all time. The imaginative world of a boy and his real-only-to-him tiger was first syndicated in 1985 and appeared in more than 2,400 newspapers when Bill Watterson retired on January 1, 1996.
21. HL 2017-10-28 21:14
Amazon now you can get this Amelia Bedelia Chapter Book Box Set for just $6.95 (regularly $19.96) – lowest price.

This box set includes books 1-4 in the popular Amelia Bedelia series. The short chapters in these books make them perfect for young readers!
22. HL 2017-12-27 09:42 现在这套适合Teenager 看的书,A Wrinkle in Time Quintet Paperback Set 打折后 for just $10.99 (regularly $34.99). 非常畅销的一套青少年读物。这套书一共包含了5本书。

This paperback set includes A Wrinkle in Time, A Wind in the Door, A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Many Waters and An Acceptable Time.
23. HL 2019-07-28 19:54
On where you can now get this Hardcover Harry Potter Hogwarts Library for only $18.32 (regularly $38.97)!

Inside this Hogwarts Library readers will find books treasured by users of the great library at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry such as Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Newt Scamander’s masterwork on magical creatures; Quidditch Through the Ages, a comprehensive history of the game and its rules; and The Tales of Beedle the Bard, with an introduction and illustrations by J.K. Rowling and extensive commentary by Albus Dumbledore!
24. HL 2020-07-07 18:20
On where you can now get this Diary of a Wimpy Kid Box Set Hardback Books 1-10 Boxed Set for just $49.99 shipped (regularly $140) – lowest price!

This boxed book set features the first ten books in the wildly popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid series. Included are Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Rodrick Rules, The Last Straw, Dog Days, The Ugly Truth, Cabin Fever, The Third Wheel, Hard Luck, The Long Haul, and Old School. Each book is full of fun illustrations which make them an enjoyable and quick read.
25. HL 2022-03-13 18:32
On where you can now get this Harry Potter Paperback Box Set that features all seven books for only $38.86 shipped (regularly $86.93)! That’s just $5.55 per book!

This boxed collection would make a great gift for someone who hasn’t experienced the magic of Hogwarts or for anyone who already loves the movies and books and wants to own the full set for themselves!
26. HL 2023-07-11 08:41
Prime members, on Amazon where you can now get this Magic Tree House Boxed Set Books 1-28 for just $59.95 shipped (regularly $167+)!

This huge boxed set includes the first 28 books from the popular Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne! These books are perfect for kiddos who are just starting to read chapter books and would be fun for the whole family to enjoy together.
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