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作者: JC, 更新日期: 2018-01-10
在美国给小孩子学小提琴比钢琴省钱. 钢琴一次投资很大, 好一点的就五六千刀. 小提琴如果不学专业, 到最后搞一把两三千美金的就相当可以了. 小琴就买几百块的, 到时候小孩长大了还可以再卖出去.

关于如何挑选小提琴. 初学小提琴的话, 买二手还是新的和音色关系不大, 要想找音色比较好的还得自己或找朋友试试看. 成人基本全用4/4的, 除非手臂特别长/短. 小孩要根据手掌到肩膀的距离定, 比如说7岁的小孩, 大概1/8或者1/4的size就行.

要买好点的琴最好找行家帮你挑. 不仅要看琴板的木材, 还有试音, 挺复杂的. 有的人是找国内的专门做琴的人帮忙挑的.

本文搜集了一些便宜但质量相对好的初学者用的小提琴, 如下:

Lyra Student Violin Andante Outfit Size 4/4 $77.99

Lyra Student Violin Romanza Outfit Size 4/4 $89.99

Product Features:

-High quality solid spruce front and solid maple back and sides

-Wood material is naturally dried for 3 years before making

-Pre-installed strings, tail piece and pegs

-Package includes violin, rosin, bow, shoulder rest and case

-1 year warranty and 30 days no hassle money back guaranntee

Comments (7)

1. HL 2012-09-07 10:14
Mendini 4/4 MV400 Ebony Fitted Solid Wood Violin with Hard Case, Shoulder Rest, Bow, Rosin, Extra Bridge and Strings - Full Size的小提琴,不错的初学者用琴。原价295美刀,打折后90刀左右。

2. HL 2012-09-07 10:25
Essential Elements 2000 for Strings:Violin&linkCode=ur2&tag=jian0f-20&url=search-alias%3Daps) 这套系列书1,2,3 withCD适合初学小提琴的人。
Essential Elements 2000 for Strings: Book 1 with CD-ROM (Violin)这是第一本入门的

The Green Violin: Theory, Ear Training, and Musicianship for Violinists这本是有基础后可以再提高的教材.

3. HL 2014-09-15 11:50
Cecilio CVN-300 Solidwood Ebony Fitted Violin with D'Addario Prelude Strings, Size 4/4 (Full Size). 标准大小的小提琴。原价要300刀一个, 现在打折$139 with free shipping。 这个小提琴的review不错。 Includes: Cecilio chromatic tuner, lesson book, lightweight hard case, 2 x Brazilwood bows with unbleached genuine Mongolian horsehair, quality rosin cake, adjustable shoulder rest, and an extra bridge。

4. HL 2014-10-07 11:27
Fretless Finger Guide for Full (4/4) Size Violin 初学小提琴的同学,把这个贴在琴上练习指法。

5. HL 2015-03-08 19:58
Stentor 1500 4/4 Violin 这个小提琴稍贵, 要200刀左右, 不过review非常的好, 如果你家娃需要学习几年以上的小提琴, 可以考虑买这个。 Hand crafted with fine-grained solid spruce top, Solid maple back, Full ebony fittings。

6. HL 2015-03-23 10:52
Cecilio 4/4 CEVN-2NA Solid Wood Mahogany Metallic Electric / Silent Violin with Ebony Fittings in Style 2 (Full Size). 电子小提琴, 插电的,音色很好。 可以调节音量,也可以戴耳机, 非常适合练习时用。 这个full size的, 原价500刀, 现在打折只要$139 with free shipping. Hand-carved solid maple wood body with ebony fingerboard, pegs, chin rest and tailpiece with mother of pearl inlay.Includes: lightweight hard case, Brazil wood bow with unbleached genuine Mongolian horsehair, quality rosin cake, a bridge, aux cable, and headphones.

7. HL 2018-01-10 10:02
On you can now buy this 学琴必备的打拍器 Korg TM-50 Combo Tuner/Metronome for just $14.99 (regularly $29.99) – lowest price ever!

The Korg TM-50 allows you to use the tuner and metronome at the same time – use it for both pitch and rhythm training. The LCD screen has two-level backlighting settings with a needle-type meter.
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