armpits和bikini line建议先用razor刮干净了,然后过一两个星期后拔(这样拔的只是一部分,会大大减轻疼的程度)。然后每过一个星期拔一次,直到你觉得拔的差不多了, 就可以变成每两三个星期一次来maintain. 非常好用。只要每次拔的越少就越不疼,而且要尽量和皮肤90 degrees而且要贴着皮肤as close as possible。 按我的做法,即使是非常sensitive areas 我觉得正常人的pain tolerance都是可以接受的. 我第一次用在armpit的时候查点没跳起来,都打算退了,后来想了这小trick就好了。现在很glad I didn't return it。
Unlike disposable razors or depilatories, this epilator removes hair from the roots and is gentle on your skin. It offers two speed settings and an ergonomic grip for comfortable handling.
Comments (3)
Unlike disposable razors or depilatories, this epilator removes hair from the roots and is gentle on your skin. It offers two speed settings and an ergonomic grip for comfortable handling.