在美国,厨房的水池下水管道上都是接了一个食物垃圾打碎机 (Garbage Disposer)的。 一般洗菜洗碗掉下的垃圾,都可以用这个打碎然后冲掉。 而且每次开Disposer 再冲水都会形成一股压力可以冲洗管道,对管道的疏通也是有一定好处的。
Waste King L-8000 Legend Series 1.0-Horsepower Continuous-Feed Garbage Disposal 这个打碎机的 review 非常好, Waste King 的牌子也是极好的。 这个打碎机是 Amazon 上 #1 Best Seller in Home Improvement。 原价要339刀, 现在打折只要$87.97 with free shipping, 非常的划算。 1.0-horsepower motor with a high speed of 2800 rpm, 马力大。 Stainless steel swivel impellers reduce jamming and a removable splash guard makes it easy to clean Lifetime In-Home Service Warranty: The Waste King Legend 8000 is backed by a limited mechanical warranty. This means that if your disposal develops a material or mechanical defect within the lifetime of the original purchaser, it will be replaced in your home--free of charge. The disposer also comes with a lifetime warranty against corrosion.
Waste King L-3300 Legend Series 3/4 HP Continuous Feed Operation Garbage Disposer, 功率稍小一点的, High-speed 2700 R.P.M., 36-inch power cord is included, Removable splash guard, Rust-free grinding components, Longest warranties in the industry. Lifetime In-Home Service Warranty 和上面的是一样的。
InSinkErator Evolution Compact 3/4 HP Household Garbage Disposer 除了WaterKing 以外,这个牌子的也不错, 非常的静音,SoundSeal Technology, featuring advanced sound insulation and anti-vibration components, reduces noise levels compared to standard disposers。 MultiGrind Technology with two grind stages to quickly grind difficult food waste you wouldn't put in a standard disposer, 34.6 oz. Grind chamber and stainless steel grind components。
Comments (6)
Waste King Legend Series 1/3 HP Continuous Feed Garbage Disposal with Power Cord for just $41.24 shipped!
This disposal features a high-speed motor, stainless steel grinding components, and a corrosion-proof grinding chamber for efficient and quiet waste disposal.
Waste King Legend Series 1/2 HP Continuous Feed Garbage Disposal (L-2600), Only $55.99 shipped (regularly $74.24) – lowest price ever!
Waste King Legend Series 3/4 HP Continuous Feed Garbage Disposal (L-3300), Only $90.70 shipped (regularly $150.25)
Waste King Legend Series 1 HP Continuous Feed Garbage Disposal (L-8000), Only $87 shipped (regularly $134.01)
This disposal features an EZ Mount twist-and-lock design for fast and easy installation, and a pre-installed power cord so no electrical work is required. Plus, all the necessary hardware is included.