Puzzle 拼图游戏对小孩的大脑智力发展是很有好处的,可以锻炼小孩子们的观察能力, 还有对图像的识别能力。以及可以开发小孩子们的记忆力。 在这里先推荐几本很不错的 Puzzle 书,
Can You See What I See 系列的丛书,这套书都是图画Puzzle,画得很好,里面是以小朋友喜闻乐见的故事为主题的。让小朋友们从中找出定制的东西来,对于小小孩也可以增加词汇量,把单词和实物连接起来,我家老二4岁左右的时候基本上完成了全套书的puzzle ;-)。
The Everything Kids' Puzzle Book, 这种书有的很难,要大一点的孩子才可以搞定。
Mazescapes, 很有趣,细节画的很好,是模拟开车认路的。大人可以跟小朋友一起玩得津津乐道的。
还有一套也是非常有名的 puzzle books, 就是
I Spy 系列, 基本上这套书每本都是经典, 我家娃们都是玩过好几遍的。
Comments (10)
Ravensburger Times Square 1000 Piece Puzzle $9.75 (reg. $19.99) 这种1000块的拼图不好拼, 不过拼好了可以放在镜框里当装饰品挂在家里的墙上,很有特色的, 我有一个朋友家里的画全部是puzzle的, 真的很不错。
Ravensburger XXL Children’s Globe 180 Piece Puzzleball $10.19 (reg. $25.99)
Ravensburger Disney Pixar: Disney-Pixar Movies 1000-Piece Puzzle, Only $10.60 (regularly $19.99)
Ravensburger Bizarre Bookshop 2 Jigsaw Puzzle, Only $8.56 (regularly $16.94)
This puzzle has 216 pieces that easily click together and features over 100 Disney characters on the castle.
Gravity Maze, Only $14.99 (regularly $29.99)
This puzzle has 216-pieces and uses LED technology to create two different lighting effects. It can be set to a steady warm glow or set to alternating colors. This would be great to grab for a fun activity with the kiddos.
This puzzle has 1,000-pieces and has a fun picture of many Disney characters.
This HUGE puzzle measures a whopping 22.3′ across and 6.2′ tall! It features 10 individual panels that are bagged separately with 4,032 pieces each. You can assemble the puzzles individually or mix them all up for the ultimate puzzle challenge.