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[保鲜袋降价打折] Hefty Slider Quart Calendar Bags 120-Count Only $11.97 Shipped

作者: HL, 更新日期: 2024-08-22
For a limited time, on Amazon where you can now get wonderful deals on Hefty Slider Bags when you clip the digital coupons.

Hefty Slider Quart Storage Calendar Bags 120-Count $15.96 (reg. $18.99), Clip the 20% off digital coupon. Final cost $11.97 shipped.

These storage bags slide closed to let you know they are secure. Hefty slider bags are an excellent option for leftovers, small toys, craft supplies, and other small items around your home. You can even pack individual outfits for the kiddos into them for daycare!
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