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美国实用英语生活疑难词汇大全 (21)

作者: JC, 更新日期: 2014-05-21
go to seed: 开花结籽,退化,老化,不修边幅的意思。这个词组的意思就是花开过了,开始结子,过了旺季。意指人工作时间长了以后,失去了动力,变得墨守成规。例句: If a man heads up one of your companies and has been there too long, consider asking him to create a new division for you. But do not leave them to quietly go to seed - they will get bored and resign anyway. (如果一个人在你手下做高管很长时间了,应该考虑让他去开创一个新的部门)

in the flesh: 本人亲自出场的意思。flesh是肉体的意思。例句: when I visit any particular company in the flesh, it's usually without warning, on the spur of the moment. (我参观我旗下的公司的时候,经常是事先不打招呼,想去了就直接去一趟看看)

pernicious: 阴险致命的意思。英文就是, causing insidious harm or ruin. 这个词来源于拉丁文,词根是nici,就是nex、nec的变形,是死亡,谋杀的意思。例句: Factoring is a deal with the devil, Ideally, you should never do it at all. Just like smoking cigarettes, they are both deeply unpleasant, unhealthy and pernicious activities. (保理、欠债然后从银行贷款补债务的做法等同于把自己的公司和魔鬼做交易。这个类似于抽烟,同属于被阴险的慢性自杀)

Comments (1)

1. JC 2014-05-26 09:38
con man: 骗子的意思。con man这个词是从1920年的时候的confidence man来的。所谓confidence man就是表面给人感觉特别有信心的人。这种人非常容易让人相信,所以,也就容易让人上当。美国1920年代的时候,有confidence man找人借手表等贵重物品,说好了还的,然后就人间消失了。现在,con man的说法类似的还有,con artist,都是骗子,罪犯的意思。
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