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美国实用英语生活疑难词汇大全 (8)

作者: JC, 更新日期: 2013-10-26
Au Naturel: 本意是自然状态的意思,也就是裸露的,naked/nude. 在烹饪中,是指的能生吃的或者略加烹调的意思. 这个词最早来源于法文,1812年的时候开始使用. 例句: She wears makeup for special occasions, but otherwise prefers an au naturel look.

freeloader: 美国俚语,吃白食, 揩油的人. 这段英文解释的非常好: Someone who sits around and dosen't work and mooches off their family and steals all their moms hard earned money to do nothing all day and contribute nothing to society.

side hustle: hustle就是硬挤过去, 拼命挣钱的意思。hustler是个俚语,是指的各种手段都使出来,不遗余力的做事情的人。原先这个词有贬义的意思,但在现在的美国,很多人startup情况下,形容一个人是个hustler, 是褒义的意思。就是没有太好条件下,还能够不断进取创业的人。而side hustle,就是全职上班同时业余创业的意思, 相当于hustle on the side的意思.

hustle a buck: 挣一分钱也是挣的意思.

writ large: 这个词是从古英文来的, writ = written, writ large = written large, 就是扩大了的, 更明显的的意思. 用英文解释,就是expressed in a bigger or more obvious way. 比如说, cultures are just personalities writ large.

Comments (2)

1. JC 2013-10-25 17:21
hear crickets: 本意指的是,夏天郊外的晚上非常安静,所以都能够听到蟋蟀的叫声。引申的意思是,推出的产品或者服务没有啥反响,或者用户反响不强烈。例句: There were not a lot of people showing up for the seminar, the whole thing was a failure. You can hear the crickets coming from the back of the room.
2. JC 2013-10-26 16:31
spaced out: 美国俚语, 胡思乱想,心不在焉的意思。也指的是因使用致幻毒品引起迷惘昏沉. 比如说, I was completely bored and spaced out. I didn't even know where I was.
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